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The Toolkit throws light on key insights such as

Job Description

How the Future of Work is going to be shaped by AI and ML

Salary Trends

Who is an AI Professional: Top roles and Salary trends

AI & Machine Learning

Where is AI and Machine Learning talent getting hired

Leading Industries

Use Cases and Top Applications of AI and Machine Learning

Top AI Jobs

Latest Tools, techniques and Skills required in the Field

Career Opportunities

How to start your Journey in AI and Machine Learning

Revenue from Artificial Intelligence for enterprise applications market worldwide is growing year on year

ai revenue graph ai revenue graph

About the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Toolkit

Artificial Intelligence has taken a center stage in the ‘future of work’ as well as everyday life. From Alexa helping you organize your day with alarms, weather updates, and playing music to Instagram’s search that matches your interests - AI has worked its magic in all aspects of our lives. Further, industries ranging from healthcare to education are increasingly incorporating AI technologies into their work models.

With AI gaining prominence, the domain has also become one of the most sought after destinations for those interested in advancing their careers. With the right skills and knowledge, you can transform into a successful AI Professional and this ebook is the first step to navigating your journey in the direction.

Who is this Toolkit for?

If you want to learn about the fast evolving field of AI, either from the perspective of an enthusiast or someone interested in advancing a career in the domain- this ebook is for you!

About Great Learning

Great Learning is an ed-tech platform that has partnered with leading universities like The University of Texas at Austin, MIT Professional Education and Stanford Center for Professional Development to deliver programs in 21st century skills such as AI, Data Science, Cyber Security, etc. To learn more about Artificial Intelligence, you can explore our AI and Machine Learning course.

LinkedIn Jobs on the rise report, Statista