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From Sustainable Energy to Data Analysis: A Journey of Skill Expansion

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I am Sibi Balaji. I have completed my bachelor’s in mechanical engineering with a specialization in Energy from VIT Vellore. I went on to pursue my MS in Sustainable Energy Technology at Delft University of technology, Netherlands. I had always wanted to upskill myself in the Data Analysis field and learn SQL and Python.Before joining Great Learning, I was still a student at Delft University of Technology. I consider this transition to the Data Science field a very effective way to expand my horizons.I was looking for a course which covers all the topics in Data Science extensively and allows me to gain knowledge by working on projects simultaneously. Moreover, all of the alumni of Great Learning had given good words about their syllabus and their placements, which propelled me to take up this program at Great Learning.My experience with Great Learning had been nothing short of being splendid. I did not have any problems learning any new software, be it Python, MySQL or Tableau. My mentor Mr.Anish Varghese had always been there when I had any doubts and cleared them with examples. My key takeaway from the course was not just the concepts, it was How to think Analytically and come up with solutions to certain problems. How to be creative with the solutions and the various use cases for each specific method to arrive at a solution.I was given the chance to interview at Sclvticx Services Private Limited, thanks to the program. Great Learning was there to assist me every step of the way. As a result, I was able to secure my first position as a Data Analyst at Cclyticx. Early in the program, I had finished second place in a Hackathon organized by Great Learning. This helped me immensely to improve my problem-solving skills, learn new technologies. Finishing second place also gave me a sense of accomplishment and boosted my confidence.

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