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How to stay productive while working from home?

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Amidst the uncertainty around pandemic and never-ending lockdowns, ‘work from home has become the new normal. Though nothing can beat the comfort of our homes when it comes to working, it also comes with some slumps such as procrastination and lures of staying longer on the couch. The work-life balance can be hard to achieve while at home, and people have trouble staying motivated in a home-based setting. 

With that in mind, we have come up with some awesome strategies to incorporate into your work from the home schedule and hit your productivity goals. 

Have a designated workspace 

Set up your workspace in a designated spot with good lighting and fewer distractions. It is easy to blur the boundaries between your work and personal life when you work from home. Having one dedicated spot meant for work office helps your brain associate with it better. Moving around or changing your work spot frequently means resetting the process each time. Also, setting your desk close to the window ensures that you get good natural light, which positively affects your mind and helps you stay productive.

Limit distractions 

It is easy to get distracted with home chores every now and then. The challenge is to focus entirely on work and overcome the urge to cook, clean, sit with gadgets or simply relax. The best way to do so is by identifying your triggers. If you get distracted by a messy environment, make sure to clean your surroundings well before you start your work.  

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Eat foods that make you feel active, not sluggish 

It is important to eat healthy when you are working from home and stay energetic during work hours. Avoid processed and oily foods, and that makes you lazy. Make sure to stick to healthy snacks and drink loads of water to stay energized. 

Make a to-do list to stay organized. 

The best way to stay organized during your work from the schedule is to make lists and prioritize your work. Work from home means you are your own boss. So, to make your work hours count, make a to-do list of all your meetings, seminars, calls, reminders, etc. and then allot time to yourself based on the specific project. You can also use different productivity apps that help you block your calendars, set reminders and deadlines, make checklists for yourself, and more. 

Maintain a regular work schedule 

When we work from home, it can be challenging for most of us to maintain a regular work schedule or have set working hours. It is easy to get distracted, relax frequently or sleep in the middle of the day that can totally erode productivity. Try to implement strict work hours and schedule breaks accordingly to keep you focussed. It is okay to be a little flexible while working from home, but avoid overdoing it. 

Take refreshing breaks 

Make sure to have short and refreshing breaks to feel some fresh air and sun. You can take a stroll to the nearby park or take your dog out for a while. These breaks will help increase your focus and mental clarity, thereby improving productivity. 

If going out is not feasible, simply sit by the window and take some time out of the work mode.  


Working from home can make one feel lazy and isolated. When the outside movement is restricted, it can take a toll on socializing, and we may feel disconnected and demotivated. Therefore, it is vital to stay connected with your family and friends, even if it means connecting via video calls, phone calls, or chat. At the very least, these conversations will help you make an effort to dress up and boost your morale.  

Dress up your work attire

Create a routine for yourself that includes dressing up in your favourite athleisure attire and then make some coffee or tea before sitting for work. If you don’t feel productive wearing sweats, then getting into professional attire will make you feel enthusiastic. Groom yourself, tame your hair, put on some makeup or jewellery – anything that can change your mindset and help put you have a more productive workday.  

Add some greenery to your workspace. 

Personalize your workspace and add elements of greenery to feel motivated throughout the day. Not only do plants filter the air, but they also help manage stress, increase our focus and productivity. You can keep any plant you like either on or by your desk. Succulents are easy to maintain so that you can start with them. 

Get rid of things that cause you to procrastinate 

What makes you procrastinate when you work from home? What deviates you from your schedule? Is it browsing on the phone for too long, social media channels, or house chores? Make sure that you steer clear of anything that makes you procrastinate. And even if you do, try to get back to work as soon as you realize and not make it into a habit.

Remember your professional goals.

Feeling disconnected from your physical office and having a hard time staying motivated? Remind yourself of your professional goals to keep the mindset productive. Consider that your work is an important part of your life that always keeps moving forward. You can keep yourself further motivated with goal setting and saying positive affirmations to yourself before starting your work.  

Learn new skills

Even if you are working from home, it is no excuse not to upskilling or learning new things. Several online courses can help advance your career by teaching your new skills, technologies, or recent developments in your industry. You can also check out webinars occasionally that can help motivate you professionally. It is also a great way to taking a productive break from work.

Know when to stop

It is common to develop work fatigue and experience burnout while working from home without a set schedule. While it is important to complete your work for the day, it is also necessary to know when to stop. You can sure have a bit of leeway but make sure that you don’t stretch your work way beyond your set hours or let work run your life.

Set healthy boundaries 

It is important to communicate about your work hours to your family, roommates, friends, kids, etc. so that they know that you will be unavailable for certain hours in a day. Be gentle and polite in turning away social visits. Also, let them know when you will be available so that neither your social time nor the work time gets affected.  

Use music to help you stay productive. 

Many people enjoy background tunes while others need complete quiet. You can play podcasts or instrumental music when doing work that doesn’t require much focus, such as writing emails, data entry, and such. If you have got company or have a shared office, use headphones. If absolute stillness is your thing, you can try white noise apps. These apps even have the sound of a coffee machine to lend the coffee shop vibe to your workspace.  

Focus on self-care

While working from home, we often get carried away and juggle with so many things that we forget to focus on ourselves. With the pandemic affecting all aspects of our lives, it is crucial for us to invest in self-care and take time out to avoid burnout. Avoid getting wrapped up in the news or workload entirely, as it can be a bad recipe for your mental health. Self-care looks different for everyone, so do what pleases you. 

The drastic switch from office to home should not be the reason not to exercise or go out for fresh air. It is important to pay attention to your health and take good care of your meals. Avoid overindulging in caffeine and have more fresh fruits and vegetables to boost your immunity. 

Have a hobby

Just a healthy body is not going to do the trick for your work-from-home routine. You need to have a healthy lifestyle that includes a healthy mind as well. Hobbies are great to take the mind off work and cultivate a positive mindset. Now that you don’t have to commute to work and saving time take this time to pick up a hobby that you were postponing endlessly. You will learn new things and feel encouraged to work.

Be grateful 

Lastly, practice gratitude. Be grateful that you are working from the comfort of your home and not your cubicle, especially amidst the pandemic. Make sure to be grateful to your family as well, who is supporting you day in and day out during your work hours. This feeling of gratitude can evoke positive emotions and encourage us to do better every day. It is best to start your day with gratitude, especially when you make your morning tea or coffee. You can also express your gratitude by the end of the day to set you in a positive mood and prepare for the next day.  

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