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NGX Bootstrap – Everything you Need to Know

NGX Bootstrap and its usage

So, let’s start with what exactly is ngx bootstrap?

The Ngx-Bootstrap is one of the very popular libraries that is required to use bootstrap components in Angular Based projects. It consists of almost all core components of Bootstrap. 

Ngx bootstrap is an open-source tool. It is an independent project, and the development is still ongoing. The original JavaScript component can be excluded, and just the markup and CSS framework provided by Bootstrap can be used in the projects.

The components of ngx-bootstrap are known to be modular, extensible, and adaptable. 

The key highlighting points of the bootstrap library that make it popular are:


All components of ngx bootstrap are modular by design. Therefore, one can very easily apply the custom templates, styles.

The components are also extensible and adaptable. Moreover, it works on desktop and mobile with the same ease and performance.


The components of ngx bootstrap are unit tested properly, and they support the latest angular versions.

To maintain code and its readability, components of ngx bootstrap uses the latest style guidelines.

Extensive Documentation

The components of ngx bootstrap are very well written and documented.

To exhibit multiple type of functionalities, there are multiple working demos for the same.

Open Source

ngx-bootstrap has MIT License and is the most commonly used open source project. 

The major topics that would be covered in this article are:

  • Installation of NGX Bootstrap
  • Manually setting up Bootstrap
  • Building a library

Let’s discuss these topics one by one:

Installation of NGX bootstrap

Let’s start with the installation of ngx bootstrap.

There are two methods for installing ngx bootstrap.

Method 1

The first method is to Install ngx-bootstrap from npm package

npm install ngx-bootstrap –save

Create test component to test that bootstrap works fine with node.js:

Then add necessary packages to ngmodule imports

import { TooltipModule } from ‘ngx-bootstrap/tooltip’;


imports: [TooltipModule.forRoot(),…]


Then add the bootstrap styles that are required in the project 

Bootstrap 3

<!– index.html –>

<link href=”” rel=”stylesheet”>

Bootstrap 4

<!— index.html –>

<link href=”” rel=”stylesheet”>

Method 2

First let us see how we can install Angular CLI. Below are the commands:

There is another method to install ngx-boostrap, that is through Angular CLI ng add command.

ng add command updates the Angular project with the necessary ngx-bootstrap dependencies It make changes to package.json, angular.json and also executes initialization code.

ng add ngx-bootstrap 

ng add ngx-bootstrap  –component componentName

ng add download dependencies for ngx-bootstrap using the package manager. Then, it invokes an installation script (implemented as a schematic) that updates the project and adds additional dependencies (for example, styles).

Below is the list of possible commands that is required for adding appropriate component

        ng add ngx-bootstrap  –component accordion

        ng add ngx-bootstrap  –component alerts

        ng add ngx-bootstrap  –component buttons

        ng add ngx-bootstrap  –component carousel

        ng add ngx-bootstrap  –component collapse

        ng add ngx-bootstrap  –component datepicker

        ng add ngx-bootstrap  –component dropdowns

        ng add ngx-bootstrap  –component modals

        ng add ngx-bootstrap  –component pagination

        ng add ngx-bootstrap  –component popover

        ng add ngx-bootstrap  –component progressbar

        ng add ngx-bootstrap  –component rating

        ng add ngx-bootstrap  –component sortable

        ng add ngx-bootstrap  –component tabs

        ng add ngx-bootstrap  –component timepicker

        ng add ngx-bootstrap  –component tooltip

        ng add ngx-bootstrap  –component typeahead

Manually Setting Up NGX Bootstrap

It can happen that sometimes the project may contain some library that could interfere with the bootstrap framework, or there is a customized version of bootstrap in the project. 

As a result, in the process of determining bootstrap version there may be failure, which can result in breaking of the UI. 

In this scenario, we can set the bootstrap version manually in the bootstrapping component using AppComponent code.

import { setTheme } from ‘ngx-bootstrap/utils’;


export class AppComponent {

  constructor() {

    setTheme(‘bs3’); // or ‘bs4’




Now, let’s move on to how to build the library

Building the Library

While building the library for the first time, the below steps can be followed

  1. clone repository
  2. npm install
  3. npm run build

Below mentioned codes can be used to update the fork and prepare it for local usage

git pull upstream development

rm -rf node_modules

npm install

npm run build

Users can run the demo using below code:

npm run demo.serve // to serve local demo. This is meant for testing only and without watchers.

If the user wants to run local development, the following codes can be used:

npm run // to be executed in first terminal

ng serve // to be executed in the first terminal. Once the server is up, the following output is displayed.

If the user wish to run demo using Angular universe, below code can be used:

npm run demo.serve-universal


The version compatibility of Angular and Bootstrap CSS is as below

ngx-bootstrapAngularBootstrap CSS
6.0.09.x.x – 10.x.x3.x.x or 4.x.x
5.6.x7.x.x – 9.1.03.x.x or 4.x.x
5.0.0 – 5.6.07.x.x – 8.x.x3.x.x or 4.x.x
4.x.x6.x.x – 7.x.x3.x.x or 4.x.x
3.x.x6.x.x – 7.x.x3.x.x or 4.x.x
2.x.x2.x.x – 4.x.x3.x.x or 4.x.x
1.x.x2.x.x3.x.x or 4.x.x

Now we have fair idea about ngx-bootstrap, installation, its components. Let’s go deep into the components of ngx-bootstrap.

NGX Bootstrap Components

  1. ngx bootstrap Accordion

This component is used if a user wants to display the collapsible content panels for presenting information in a limited amount of space.



  1. ngx Bootstrap Alert

It is used to display alert messages or feedback from users.

  1. ngx Bootstrap Carasoul

It is used to show images or tests in the form of the slide show.

  1. ngx Bootstrap datepicker

It adds date picker functionality to the webpage that the user has created.

  1. ngx Bootstrap dropdown

This component is used to display dropdown list.

There are other components also that are supported by ngx bootstrap ( captured above). So keep trying and practicing the components to learn how vast ngx-bootstrap is. We hope that you found this helpful. If you wish to learn more such concepts, join Great Learning Academy’s Free Online Courses and upskill today.

Happy Learning!!!

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