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Operators in MySQL

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Learn operators in mysql from basics in this free online training. Operators in mysql course is taught hands-on by experts. Learn how to get started with mysql and types of commands in mysql & lot more in details with example.

What you learn in Operators in MySQL ?

Operators in MySQL

About this Free Certificate Course

For beginners to take you from the starting point through the finishing point of everything you need to know about SQL and getting started on the journey to master it. This video starts by guiding you through the installation process of MySQL, understanding DBMS, its history, types, advantages and associated key concepts. Following this, the video teaches SQL and its key functions and concepts by carrying out simultaneous demonstrations on MySQL

Course Outline

Getting Started with MySQL
How to Install MySQL Workbench
Types of Commands in MySQL

In this chapter, you will learn how to implement various types of Commands in MySQL, such as DDL, DQL, DML, DCL, and TCL, with hands-on demos.

Filter Records in MySQL

In this chapter, you will learn how to filter the records using the WHERE clause in MySQL.

Operators in MySQL

Now, you will learn how to implement various Operators like AND, OR, and NOT with the help of hands-on demos.

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Operators in MySQL

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Frequently Asked Questions

Will I get a certificate after completing this Operators in MySQL free course?

Yes, you will get a certificate of completion for Operators in MySQL after completing all the modules and cracking the assessment. The assessment tests your knowledge of the subject and badges your skills.

How much does this Operators in MySQL course cost?

It is an entirely free course from Great Learning Academy. Anyone interested in learning the basics of Operators in MySQL can get started with this course.

Is there any limit on how many times I can take this free course?

Once you enroll in the Operators in MySQL course, you have lifetime access to it. So, you can log in anytime and learn it for free online.

Can I sign up for multiple courses from Great Learning Academy at the same time?

Yes, you can enroll in as many courses as you want from Great Learning Academy. There is no limit to the number of courses you can enroll in at once, but since the courses offered by Great Learning Academy are free, we suggest you learn one by one to get the best out of the subject.

Why choose Great Learning Academy for this free Operators in MySQL course?

Great Learning Academy provides this Operators in MySQL course for free online. The course is self-paced and helps you understand various topics that fall under the subject with solved problems and demonstrated examples. The course is carefully designed, keeping in mind to cater to both beginners and professionals, and is delivered by subject experts. Great Learning is a global ed-tech platform dedicated to developing competent professionals. Great Learning Academy is an initiative by Great Learning that offers in-demand free online courses to help people advance in their jobs. More than 5 million learners from 140 countries have benefited from Great Learning Academy's free online courses with certificates. It is a one-stop place for all of a learner's goals.

What are the steps to enroll in this Operators in MySQL course?

Enrolling in any of the Great Learning Academy’s courses is just one step process. Sign-up for the course, you are interested in learning through your E-mail ID and start learning them for free online.

Will I have lifetime access to this free Operators in MySQL course?

Yes, once you enroll in the course, you will have lifetime access, where you can log in and learn whenever you want to.

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Great Learning Academy, an initiative taken by Great Learning to provide free online courses in various domains, enables professionals and students to learn the most in-demand skills to help them achieve career success.

Great Learning Academy offers free certificate courses with 1000+ hours of content across 1000+ courses in various domains such as Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, IT & Software, Cloud Computing, Marketing & Finance, Big Data, and more. It has offered free online courses with certificates to 10 Million+ learners from 170+ countries. The Great Learning Academy platform allows you to achieve your career aspirations by working on real-world projects, learning in-demand skills, and gaining knowledge from the best free online courses with certificates. Apart from the free courses, it provides video content and live sessions with industry experts as well.

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