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Introduction to Decision Trees

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Learn decision tree from basics in this free online training. Decision tree course is taught hands-on by experts. Learn about introduction to decision tree along with examples of decision tree & lot more.

What you learn in Introduction to Decision Trees ?

Loss Function
Information Gain

About this Course

Tree-based models are really important in the field of machine learning because we can perform both regression and classification with them. In this course, we shall comprehensively learn about tree based models. We shall start off by looking at the decision tree structure. Then we shall learn about concepts such as Gini Index, Entropy, Loss Function and Information Gain. Finally, we shall also look at some advantages and disadvantages of decision trees. Overall, this course will get you started with all the fundamentals about the tree based models.

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Course Outline

Introduction to Decision Trees Part 1
Introduction to Decision Trees Part 2

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Introduction to Decision Trees

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