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linear programming

linear programming

Introduction to Linear Programming for Data Science

Contributed by: Sarita Upadhya LinkedIn Profile: Introduction Data Science helps businesses to make informed and data-driven decisions. Current business situations or business scenarios can be explored further using available data, and better insights can be drawn using Descriptive Analytics. Using past data, we can predict the future. Also, the cause and effect relationship between predictors […]

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Transportation Problem Explained and how to solve it?

Contributed by: Patrick Introduction Operations Research (OR) is a state of art approach used for problem-solving and decision making. OR helps any organization to achieve their best performance under the given constraints or circumstances. The prominent OR techniques are, One of the problems the organizations face is the transportation problem. It originally means the problem

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linear discriminant analysis

Linear Discriminant Analysis or LDA in Python

Linear discriminant analysis is supervised machine learning, the technique used to find a linear combination of features that separates two or more classes of objects or events.  Linear discriminant analysis, also known as LDA,  does the separation by computing the directions (“linear discriminants”) that represent the axis that enhances the separation between multiple classes. Also, Linear

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support vector regression

Support Vector Regression in Machine Learning

Supervised Machine Learning Models with associated learning algorithms that analyze data for classification and regression analysis are known as Support Vector Regression. SVR is built based on the concept of Support Vector Machine or SVM. It is one among the popular Machine Learning models that can be used in classification problems or assigning classes when

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linear algebra for machine learning

Linear Algebra for Machine Learning Examples, Uses and How it works?

Linear algebra is the study of vector spaces, lines and planes, and mappings that are used for linear transforms. It was initially formalized in the 1800s to find the unknowns in linear equations systems, and hence it is relatively a young field of study. Linear Algebra is an essential field of mathematics that can also be called the

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